Monday, April 28, 2008

Pythons in Space

I suppose one has to find enjoyment in Monty Python to get the kind of satisfaction out of these clips that some of us do, but here are two great shorts in which people have combined Monty Python and the Holy Grail with Star Trek and Star Wars, respectively:

I, for one, think both of these are well-done and hilarious. And the best part ... on Friday, I was playing the Monty Python-Star Trek one as students were filtering into the classroom in the minutes before the start of my 11:30 class. As it was playing, a tour of the university came by and the folks on the tour could clearly hear and see what we were watching. A number of us in the class noticed the wonderful juxtaposition of the two. I loved it!


Michael Butterworth said...

In this spirit, have you seen "Chad Vader?" It's a mini-series about Darth's younger brother, made by a group based out of Madison, WI. You can start with episode 1 here:

Raymond I. Schuck said...

Thanks ... Those are pretty well-done. I wonder why the name "Blame Society" for the production company? Also, I wonder if the last name "Shermer" for the character Clint is an allusion to the John Hughes films that took place in Shermer, Illinois.