Monday, June 15, 2009

Dis(Parity) in the NBA: One Year Later

Now that the Los Angeles Lakers have won the 2009 NBA title, as a follow-up to my post a little over a year ago on Disparity in the NBA, let’s look at how NBA championships since 1980 now stack up:

8 franchises have, among themselves, won the last 30 NBA championships, for an average of 3.75 championships per franchise.

Taking out the Philadelphia 76ers’ win in 1983 and the Miami Heat’s win in 2006, 6 franchises have, among themselves, won 28 of the last 30 NBA championships, for an average of 4.67 championships per franchise.

Those numbers are up from 3.5 and 4.33, respectively, before the Boston Celtics won the championship in 2008.


Jefferson Wolfe said...

I was rooting for the Magic. Since they beat the Cavs, I figured it would reflect better on the Cavs if they won the cham-peenship.

Raymond I. Schuck said...

I suppose I rooted for the Lakers in the finals simply so that I could write this post to my blog. ;) I was hoping the Cavs would win it all. Of course, as a Knicks fan, my true wish is for the Knicks to win, but one does have to be realistic in what one roots for.