Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The BYOUty of It All

Maybe blogging is serving as therapy for me as I cope with last night men's college basketball proceedings. Though, truth be told, I was prepared for UNC to beat MSU and I'm not THAT upset. MSU had quite a successful season and losing in the final game to a UNC team that was clearly on a mission from this time last year isn't anything to feel bad about. Or maybe I'm blogging because a set of papers is sitting in a folder on my computer waiting to be grading in the same sort of way that that little stack of money follows people around on Geico commercials. I'm not sure how to explain why I'm already blogging again, but here goes ...

It seems like one of the greatest beauties of YouTube is the ability to find and rewatch all kinds of things that you haven't been able to see in years or even decades.

I mean, I've drifted down memory lane watching plenty of late-1980s videos, especially this one, this one, and this one recently. I even found this video, which I hadn't seen since its run on Dial MTV in 1988 and then subsequent fade from existence anywhere I might find it.

I also recently found an Arrow shirt commercial that I remember seeing once in 1987, really liking, and never seeing again ... until a few weeks ago when it dawned me to search for it on YouTube.

And who can forget the best performance ever to appear on American Idol (at least in my opinion)?

Today, this video is making me feel quite a bit better.


Michael Butterworth said...

You're kidding about Aiken, yes? Yes...?

Raymond I. Schuck said...

I'm absolutely serious. When I saw that performance, it made my mind up to vote for Clay. Maybe we'll make this this the official Clay Aiken/Jesse Orosco admiration site.