Friday, February 15, 2008

Top 5 Albums ... er CDs

I remember about a decade ago seeing a question circulating around the Internet that asked "If you were stranded on an island with a CD player and only 3 CDs, which 3 CDs would you choose?" I could never answer this question with just 3 CDS, but I can narrow things down to 5:

U2, The Joshua Tree
U2, Rattle and Hum
The Blue Nile, Hats
Tears For Fears, The Seeds of Love
Dave Matthews Band, Crash

I list these, though, with the knowledge that neither my favorite song ("Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake) nor what I consider to be the best song ever written ("In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel) would be available to me. I suppose I hope in that case that my memory never goes.


Michael Butterworth said...

Whitesnake? Really? Ok, I have a soft spot for "Welcome to the Jungle." This is always fun. While I mull over an adequate response to your excellent comments about the Phillies, here's my 5:

1. The Clash, London Calling
2. U2, The Joshua Tree
3. R.E.M., Murmur
4. 10,000 Maniacs, In My Tribe
5. The Stone Roses, The Stone Roses

I could easily make this a top 20 list, though.

Raymond I. Schuck said...

Thanks for the comment. You've listed some great stuff. I really got into 10,000 Maniacs from about 88-93 and haven't revisited them in awhile (but for playing Natalie Merchant's Tigerlily quite a bit when it came out). I got hooked on "Trouble Me" back when it came out ... probably because I was working part-time at an Adult Contemporary Radio Station and watching a lot of VH1 at the time. I always thought it had a Fleetwood Mac feel to it. R.E.M. and the Clash are always great. I remember when the Stone Roses came out, but I don't remember having listened to much of it. I just checked out a couple of reviews and it sounds like I might need to expose myself to it.

As for Whitesnake, when "Here I Go Again" came out and went into heavy rotation on MTV in the summer of 1987, I remember even saying one time that they were just another big hair hard rock band ... and then one time I actually listened to the song and the lyrics and discovered a song that seemed to sum up my entire identity. Twenty years later, it still gets me.

Jefferson Wolfe said...

I'd take:

1. The Dukes of Stratosphear "Chips from the Chocolate Fireball,"
2.They Might Be Giants "John Henry" and
3."The United States of America Part One," by Stan Freberg.

Raymond I. Schuck said...

They Might Be Giants ... Great stuff! These songs are from different albums, but I regularly find "Ana Ng," "I Palindrome I" and "Don't Let's Start" running through my brain.